5 Reasons We Shouldn’t Fear Fruit

5 Reasons We Shouldn’t Fear Fruit

5 Reasons We Shouldn’t Fear Fruit

Here’s a question I hear often, “aren’t bananas bad for you because they contain a lot of sugar?” No. Like all plant foods, fruit contains carbohydrates. However, we do not need to fear whole fruit. Fruit—even bananas—can be enjoyed as part of a healthy eating pattern.

  1. Nutrients. Fruit has a range of vitamins and minerals, which are essential nutrients for health. Adding different types of fruit to your way of eating increases your vitamin and mineral intake. Fruit also has phytochemicals, biologically active compounds found only in plants. Phytochemicals give fruit their color, taste and smell, but they also have powerful health properties as antioxidants. 

  2. Fiber. It is true that fruit has carbohydrates, which are the main nutrient that impacts blood sugar levels. However, fruit also contains fiber, which helps blunt the rise in blood sugar that occurs after eating. Fiber is also vital for healthy digestion and can help reduce cholesterol levels and support weight management. Learn more about fiber here.

  3. Sweetness. Fruit is naturally sweet. Besides being delicious, fruit can satisfy cravings for sweet or sweet-sour flavors. One strategy to reduce intake of added sugars is to enjoy fruit.

  4. Natural. Sugar found in fruit occurs naturally. It is not added from another source. It is recommended that we limit added sugars, not sugars present in whole fruit. Learn more about added sugars here.

  5. Variety. Fruit adds variety to a way of eating. Restricting fruit eliminates an entire food group that offers nutrition, health benefits, delicious taste, etc. We benefit from incorporating a diversity of nutritious foods in a way of eating.

Some of our favorite fruit recipes include:

Watermelon with a Twist
Citrus and Red Onion Salad
Strawberry Almond Overnight Oats
Katchkie Farm Cucumber, Melon & Arugula Salad
Balsamic Roasted Strawberries

Watermelon with a Twist

Watermelon with a Twist

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