3 Methods for Making the Best Tofu

3 Methods for Making the Best Tofu

3 Methods for Making the Best Tofu

Tofu is easy to write off after a less-than-tasty experience. When choosing a method for preparing tofu, consider texture and flavor. Some dishes such as soup may be a good fit for soft tofu, while you may want a firm, crispy bite of tofu in a stir fry. Add in flavorful ingredients such as garlic and ginger as desired. Try these 3 methods for making the best extra-firm tofu.

Step 1: Press tofu.

Serves 2-3

Cut 1 lb extra-firm tofu into bite-sized pieces. Place tofu on top of a clean, dry dish towel. Fold the towel over the tofu. Place a cutting board and a cast iron skillet (or something else heavy) on top of the folded dish towel to press the moisture out of the tofu. Allow it to sit for 15-30 minutes. 

Step 2: Choose tofu preparation method.

Crispy Baked Tofu

Preheat the oven to 400°F. In a bowl, toss the pressed tofu with 1 Tb sesame oil (or another neutral oil), 1 Tb low-sodium tamari (or soy sauce) and 1 Tb arrowroot starch (or cornstarch). At this step, also add spices if desired. Spread out the tofu pieces onto a lined sheet pan. Bake for 30 minutes or until crispy. Serve immediately as the crispy texture will not be maintained after refrigeration.

Sautéed Tofu

In a bowl, toss the pressed tofu with 1 Tb sesame oil (or another neutral oil), 1 Tb low-sodium tamari (or soy sauce) and 1 Tb arrowroot starch (or cornstarch). At this step, also add spices if desired. In a large skillet, heat a splash of oil over medium-high heat. Add tofu and cook for 15 minutes, shaking the skillet every few minutes to ensure the tofu is crispy on all sides.

Scrambled Tofu

Crumble the pressed tofu. Heat 1 Tb sesame oil (or another neutral oil) in a large skillet. Add tofu and spices if desired. Cook for a few minutes, stirring often.

Step 3: Enjoy tofu with vegetables and whole grains and a drizzle of sauce.

Pro tip: skip the step of pressing extra-firm tofu before making sautéed or scrambled tofu if a slightly softer texture is preferred.

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